What a jolly fine day it is! Gail McIntyre is out of prison, the scant remains of Tony Gordon have been wheeled out of Underworld in a bin bag, and Underworld itself is a blackened and smouldering wreck of its former self.
All is good in the world. Come to think of it, the remains of Tony Gordon were very scant indeed. Is he dead, was it really him? Someone here (who shall remain nameless) has suggested it may have been Eccles in the bin bag.
Oh dear.
Tina McIntyre is still an angry little harpy, but no doubt the scriptwriters will give her a makeover in the next few weeks and she'll forget her poor old dad and her rage and become a completely different person.
In real life, the actress who plays Tina was (maybe still is, for all I know) going out with Bradley Howard, who used to play for FC United. There's a
little story about it here.
Now here's a strange coincidence:As you no doubt know, the
World Cup starts today (yet another reason why today is a very good Friday indeed).
And, if you've not already seen it, this is today's Google Doodle.

Look at the defender. He's wearing a FC United kit!!!
In case you were wondering. The last we heard of Bradley Howard he was starring in a Tampax commercial, which is not an obvious career path for a young footballer, is it?
I really, really hope that wasn't Dead Eccles in a Bag.