We have managed to get through another winter - the days are getting warmer, there is suddenly a lot more light in the world, and the Crab has started to get quite enthusiastic about
Spring Projects.
And by this I do NOT mean Spring Cleaning. I am a slattern and quite prepared to leave that sort of thing un-done for, well forever really.
Project no. 1
Knitting the Royal Wedding.I haven't actually started this project yet, but the book came in the post yesterday and tonight I am going to leave work early so I can get to the wool shop before it closes. I don't know how much I will manage to achieve before the Big Day, but I intend to start with a couple of corgis, and maybe an archbishop. If nothing else, they will come in handy in my nativity scene at Christmas.
Project No. 2
Re-reading all the Harry Potter books.Before the final film is released on 15th July. I got this idea from LibraryGirl on her delightfully-named blog,
living in the kingdom of too much. It's a fine idea and one I can reasonable expect to achieve. At present I'm halfway through the second book, so only about another 27,000 pages to go.
Project No. 3
Building a ship in a bottle.I haven't learnt how to do this yet, nor have I made any attempt to learn. I have, however, made an excellent start emptying whisky bottles.
Oh I do like hobbies!