It's that glorious time of the year again when the days are getting longer, the sun is shining, birds are singing and things are hatching.
Time for a Crab to start hatching her Spring Projects.
Actually at this stage it is just the one project - to walk more of the Pennine Way. Over the years, I have walked on the Pennine Way a lot - but not in any logical sequence. Sometimes I walk north, sometimes I walk south, and the start of one walk is never where the last one left off.
So this year the plan is to walk it in one direction (north obviously, I'm not going all the way to Scotland then trying to find my way home. I have limits you know.) I don't know how far I'll get but I want to see the Pennine Way as a single entity, unfolding across the country.
I made a start last Sunday: Edale to Hadfield, via Kinder Scout and Bleaklow. Eighteen miles. Here's the profile - you'll need to click on the image to see it in all its glory.

From the very excellent Where's the Path? - possibly my favourite website of all time.
I can tell you, that last long descent was a bit of a knee-cruncher. The views were absolutely stunning though - late afternoon sun over the Longendale Valley.
The next leg of my Pennine Adventure may have to wait until Easter (other things to do before then) but I am really, really looking forward to it!